Adjusting Appointment Types and Status

Adjusting Appointment Types and Status

Adjusting Appointment Types and Status
During trial, the Support team will create for your system a spreadsheet containing all of your ezyVet (or other PIM system) Appointment Types and Appointment Status. If using ezyVet, this information comes directly from your ezyVet system into ReviewTree using API keys. If a change is made to an appointment type or status in your client data management system, when using API, the ReviewTree system will update with that change.

If you are unsure how your data is being sent to ReviewTree, contact Support who can help you learn more about your own system.

Accessing Integration Settings

To access the Integration Page, complete the following steps:
  1. Log into ReviewTree, select Account tab along the top
  2. From the Account drop down select Integrations
  3. Make adjustments as desired
  4. Save changes before navigating to a different page.

How Appointment Types and Status Work

By viewing the Integration page, an Admin level user can review and adjust the current Unit/Division, Appointment Status, and Appointment Type settings. 
  1. Unit/Division: If more than one database is in use in your client data system, choose which database(s) ReviewTree should look for client data within.
  2. Appointment Status: Adjust to match the types of statuses used in client data system (e.g. ezyVet) when a client checks out and the appointment status is adjusted to reflect the end of the appointment.
  3. Appointment Type: Select which of the appointment types when chosen for a client appointment where that client should be sent a survey. Note a client will only be sent a survey request email (and one subsequent reminder) once every six months by default (this can be adjusted if desired). 
  4. Tags to block surveys: If any of the tags seen in this list are likewise selected in ezyVet system for a particular client, that client will not receive a survey request from ReviewTree

Adjusting Timing for Sending Surveys

When viewing the Integration page, there are a few areas to control the timing of the survey, as well as exemptions:
  1. Send Survey After XX hours: Enter the number of hours to wait to send a survey after an appointment ends. If left blank, this will send the survey request to the clients between the hours of 6pm-8pm Eastern Time daily. 
  2. Contact After Animal Death: By default, ReviewTree will not contact a client where the appointment was tagged that the animal has died. If a practice would like to contact the client for a survey following the death of the animal, select to enable the setting and enter the number of days to wait to contact client after the appointment.

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